Posted in Closet, Success Stories

Joan’s Freshened Closet

I saw Joan while volunteering at a concert. She remembered my work with her husband Dick, as we reorganized files and consolidated financial records in his home office. Would I help with her closet? It held some items that she didn’t wear anymore – including from past professional jobs, high-heeled shoes, a few purchase mistakes (we all have them!).

We scheduled a session for (what turned out to be) a dreary Sunday afternoon – perfect. We set to work, with me pulling individual pieces for Joan’s decision-making. In most cases, first a story about an item’s origin, then I placed it either back into the closet, or into one of three big, black plastic garbage bags for transport – to the trash, or to Goodwill, or to a higher-end second-hand shop whose proceeds benefit needy residents in three towns.

Like most clients, she exclaimed, “I’ve been looking for that!” a few times. I vacuumed away some cobwebs, grouped tops, skirts and dresses in the closet. I re-folded sweaters and returned them to shelves, then we were done. She smiled, with an expression of relief. Ta-da!


Posted in Closet, Success Stories

A Rescued Supply Closet

Singing buddy Allison, new to her development and outreach job at the Burlington Emergency Shelter, emailed. There were several areas within the building that badly needed help. Would I come and take a look?  I arrived on a chilly Friday morning in November. What to do? Let’s rescue the supply closet, which housed financial records, computer parts, painting and cleaning supplies, holiday decorations, donated hats, and more. We pulled boxes off shelves, then consolidated their contents. We emptied others, which were only partially filled. We placed financial records together, grouped art with holiday supplies, stored paint with varied tools. It was a fairly frenzied hour or so, but Allison and executive director Valerie smiled. Success!




Posted in Office, Success Stories

An Office Ready for Work!

Megan’s blended family moved into a new home in July. Some rooms are settled, others can use some attention, and one badly needed work. Megan’s office was unusable. The desk was piled with varied items, and the floor was littered with boxes and bags. We got to work, first clearing the desk, so she could use it. We created new files, then dealt with all on the floor. Many papers went into a bag for recycling, other items into another to be tossed. By the end of our session together, Megan was thrilled with her office, where she now can work comfortably, instead of at the kitchen table.




Posted in Dining Room, Kitchen, Success Stories

Lisa and Jim’s Kitchen Renovation

Lisa and Jim were nearing the end of their extensive kitchen renovation project. They’d been living with the upheaval for six months. Anyone who’s dealt with that knows how quickly it becomes tiring and stressful. (I can relate, having existed in my condo while it was being completely redone – painted, new floors, appliances, cupboards, countertops – the works!)

She asked me to help her to decide where to put some items, then to empty the dining room table and return it to its real use. We listened to music, worked fast, and shared some laughs. Before long, the table was back where it belonged, complete with a vase holding gorgeous big, fuschia peony blossoms.




Posted in Pantry, Success Stories

An Organized Pantry

Lell and Rex have a lovely house within viewing distance of Lake Champlain. Our project was to organize the pantry. Its shelves were somewhat organized into categories (baking, condiments, canned goods, etc.), though some spill-over had happened over time. Lell, who is about five feet tall, couldn’t see all that was stored, even when using a step stool. Also, a tray holding precariously-balanced plastic drinking bottles was on top of the small fridge, and some items had “drifted” down to the floor.

First, I pulled everything on the floor out into the kitchen. Lell sampled crackers and other snacks whose bags were closed with clothes pins. We tossed anything “past its prime.” We added some still-good ones to a fabric-lined basket, already holding other snacks. At her direction, I rearranged shelves, using shelf extenders. Soups, tuna, olives, coffee, tomato sauces and cereals for Rex are now grouped. Paper plates and cups are on a low shelf. S’mores ingredients are together, sure to delight two 12-year-old girls who will soon visit from the South.

Sometimes, small details delight us the most. Lell is thrilled that the sugar is visible and easily reached! We worked hard, and she was pleased.




Posted in Closet, Success Stories

Downsizing and “Curb Appeal” Gardening

Cindy and Dick were preparing to downsize, with a planned move from a large house to a retirement community. During one session, I trimmed their indoor house plants while listening to Joni Mitchell and Mozart. (Wait! This is work?) Cindy and I also cleared, cleaned and organized closets. One had light bulbs, overflowing holiday wrapping paper and note cards, and bulk cat food. We bagged the excess to be tossed, then husband Dick whisked all into their rented dumpster.



With the house on the market, I suggested some “curb appeal” gardening, to enhance the appearance of their beautiful property. I worked in the driveway, leading to the garage, and also in another parking area.




Posted in Closet, Office, Success Stories

The Paper Room

I saw Sandy and Roger at a concert, and told them about De-clutter Me! She asked me to come and help at their house. What would we do? She mentioned the Paper Room. “Oh no,” I thought, visualizing a room with tall piles of paper everywhere. Arriving at their rural home on a rainy morning, we toured the house, with both of them pointing out areas needing help. Roger said that many horizontal surfaces were covered with stuff; relatively easily fixed.


Where to start? In the Paper Room, of course. It wasn’t nearly as bad as my mind’s eye had “seen.” Its closet needed de-cluttering. Sandy and I pulled lots of yearbooks (she’s a retired teacher), bags of photos she’d likely never sort. Clothes and other items were set aside for the town’s weekly budget closet sale. Roger opened the room’s window, so that all could be easily loaded from its sill into their cars. Well, mostly. A load of ~50 small Legos pieces was in a strong plastic bag, which broke, falling between pieces of wet gravel. Though he said he would clean them up, I helped. Avoiding slimy “bird doo” was an extra added “benefit.” We got it done, and shared some laughs.


Next, we cleared the desk and shelving below it.



Posted in Porch, Success Stories

What To Do First? Let’s Purge on the Porch!

I arrived at Ann’s house on a sunny, though cool, morning. She showed me several project areas in the house, and wondered what we should do first. We had three hours to make a dent.


I suggested that we work on the back porch. The family enters the house through it, so was always reminded that it needed work. Also, once its contents were contained and the family could use the porch again, that more positive energy could provide the forward “mo” (momentum) to de-clutter elsewhere.

Ann’s father had died recently, so boxes of books, photos, old papers, furniture and tools from his home were stored on the porch. Our first step was sorting boxes and items by destination. We separated boxes for giving to other family members, for a bookstore, for recycling. Some of these boxes went right into Ann’s barn for storage. We put a few things down cellar, but boxes of photos, papers, old movies and CDs went to the living room for more immediate sorting and purging.


Ann’s daughter arrived home when we were about half-done. She walked through the door and, surprised, just quietly said, “Wow.” We got enough done that morning to make it possible for the family to discuss where to soon place a table and chairs, so they can relax and enjoy meals there again.